missartsy's recent comments:

January 2nd, 2007
so i realized that the two persons in the first frame look way to much like you and i. i'm so punching you in the face with the wiimote! yesssssssss. i win!!!11one
December 10th, 2006
you take the cake, my friend. éste es de veras el mejor YTMND. i think i've fallen in love. well, not with you. the site. the play/rewind jenks, pepper and rainclouds, suffocation, punchation, curbation, pikachuation, trashation, no gamesing, blanketation, douche-ation, "what the hell are you doing? stop it!", and robots! LOVE, DEATH, AND HUMILIATION! i wish i could give you a ten, but i guess a faved five will have to do. keep up the random work.