mainmanchris' recent comments:

June 20th, 2007
In case anyone's wondering why I made the original video a Youtube, and not a YTMND, it's because when I made it I was unable to create a YTMND account. There was a problem with registering new accounts at the time. BTW, the guy on the left of the picture is a friend of mine. I sent him the link to this and he thought it was a riot.
June 20th, 2007
Hey everyone, this is "thechriscorr", the maker of the original Youtube that this is based on (I can prove it if need be). I was just browsing YTMND one day, clicked on the top viewed of the day, and bam, someone has made a YTMND out of one of my Youtubes. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't too happy at first, because it showed the negative comments made about my original video, but then I thought about it, and it's pretty funny and creative.