ayesar's recent comments:

November 6th, 2006
"Kill the queen!" "What?" "Ugh, the jukebox!"
November 3rd, 2006
My favorite has always been "Mr. Clean". Hehe, nice work. Memories, hearing all them again. The show has me hooked.
October 29th, 2006
On on the site ?OMG, BOOBEES!
October 29th, 2006
October 28th, 2006
On on the site ?
I liked it. By the way, bad idea for posting the link to eBaums... I personally couldn't care less, but you just know someone's gonna' make some stupid comment and downvote for it.
October 28th, 2006
On on the site ?Saturday Afternoon
Hehe... yummy. +4 for giving mine 4 stars (I saw), +4 for making me reaize how I just wasted my Saturday afternoon, -3 for not being able to rate 8.
October 28th, 2006
On on the site ?megamans wtf moment
...I fail to see the "WTF moment."
October 28th, 2006
For the record, it's not stealing if you leave a direct URL from the source. He's simply sticking it here. Feel free to vote lower if you feel he doesn't deserve "points" for simply spreading an image, but don't call it stealing.
October 28th, 2006
5 for Missingno and Tetris block.
October 28th, 2006
I know what a blur is, but I meant that this is similar. I agree it's not really a fad, however I've already seen "I WANT JAPANESE SOUTH PARK FOR MY CHILD" and "I WANT GERMAN SOUTH PARK FOR MY CHILD", the latter which is currently doing better than the original. Doesn't really matter too much, either way.
October 28th, 2006
I'm flattered that I've apparently started a fad. Anyway, I liked it, but as already stated - way too many *bleeps* in some odd places. They could be more strategically placed for better humor. There's tons of possibilities. Also, you sort of just overlayed the *bleeps* on top of the original track, and in some places the actual words are still audible, taking even more away from the possible humor.
October 28th, 2006
Although I personally don't see it as that big of a deal, I'll probably end up re-doing it all later with the 3500 Hz square wave as suggested. I knew there was something off, but this was more of a rushed quick idea than anything. I know what you guys are saying with the *bleep* sounding off.
October 28th, 2006
It's actually just "Suck my balls"... but I couldn't resist adding in that last *bleep* for effect.
October 28th, 2006
http://unclebleeper.ytmnd.com Meh.
October 27th, 2006
I'm feelin' the Doctor Who music...
October 27th, 2006
Hehe... thanks for the comments, guys. I'm off for a bit, I hope to see this doing well when I'm back. Ciao.
October 27th, 2006
If you don't like this, you are probably Canadian.
July 26th, 2006
On on the site ?George Bush = FUNNY!
Simple and funny, but not THAT funny.
July 26th, 2006
2 for effort, but horrible sync. Wouldn't have given it higher than a 3 anyway, simply because it's an extremely over-used fad.
June 11th, 2006
+5 for having the Doug theme song... -1 for being the second Skeeter YTMND in the last 10 minutes... and another -1 for it not being all that funny. But yay for Doug!
June 11th, 2006
On on the site ?
Hehehe.... giggle-inducing.
June 10th, 2006
On on the site ?becca2
June 9th, 2006
On on the site ?YTMND Countdown
I love LOST, my favorite show on the air... (goddamn summer break... great for everything but TV!)... but this wasn't anything special. 3 for LOST!!! And nice synchro-sound.