WeaponXRC's recent comments:

September 20th, 2007
Being critical of Israeli policies is one thing, saying "Jews did Iraq War" is another.
September 20th, 2007
No, of you and your bigotry.
September 20th, 2007
I don't think Jim Morrison would approve.
August 13th, 2006
5 for Super Mario Sunshine.
August 6th, 2006
Grimloki: Douchebag!
August 5th, 2006
Dude . . .
August 2nd, 2006
I didn't know they picketed a Holocaust memorial.
August 2nd, 2006
Also, dolphins aren't fish and scientists believe they were originally land animals.
August 2nd, 2006
Eh, it's worthy of atleast a 3.
August 2nd, 2006
Yes, the Universe was created by someone . . . And that someone was XENU!!! XEEEEEEENNNNNUUUUUU!!!
August 1st, 2006
On on the site ?Myspace Warcrimes
May we never forget . . . NEVER FORGET!
July 27th, 2006
Damn the unbeliever!
July 27th, 2006
It's good to know the NSPCA approves of NEDM.
July 23rd, 2006
Sorry, man.
July 18th, 2006
"Why the f*ck would you steal that?" Cause he's Eric Bauman. It's what he does.
July 17th, 2006
To be fair to Eric Bauman, he probably stole it. Zing!
July 17th, 2006
July 17th, 2006
July 17th, 2006
Someone either took to many drugs or not enough . . .
July 15th, 2006
I didn't see that coming.
July 15th, 2006
You just blew my mind.
July 8th, 2006
It gave me a hard-on. 5 stars.
July 8th, 2006
On on the site ?How to Spot a Jap
That just might be the most racist thing I've ever seen.
June 6th, 2006
That was a good day.