SteveODeNocturn's recent comments:

October 1st, 2006
5'd for kids in the hall
September 30th, 2006
I have to say that this was good, and tasteful. I do believe in God but I don't see why an atheist can't appreciate the beauty of creation, seems a little unfair.
September 17th, 2006
On on the site ?A True Guitar Hero
cant give pantera anything lower than 5
September 12th, 2006
Dane Cook blows, glad to see there are people who havent bought into his clearly cocaine induced on stage douchebaggery that unfortunately passes for comedy these day. All hail Lewis Black!
August 28th, 2006
6'd for song!
August 22nd, 2006
Very nice, I love it...seems perfect set up for a screamer...
August 21st, 2006
Thanks, that actually made my night, I was surprised
August 2nd, 2006
Good ytmnd, this sort of thing makes me sad as both a christian and a hate monger.
On on the site ?LOL IRON MAIDEN!!!
I would 6 if I could, the music was very Iron win!
On on the site ?LOL IRON MAIDEN!!!
5'd for punching hooker!
nevermind, thinking of someone else
WTF you love the double bass? I'm pretty sure, at least in the real song anyway, Lombardo didn't play double bass.
On on the site ?Olliesaurus warns.
I lol'd, so 5
Bad research tactics, I lol'd though, so you get a 4
On on the site ?Marry me Stephanie!
5'd for pedo, song, and sexy pedo pictures. If you wouldnt do Steph IDB there's something wrong with you, period.
I have family in Scotland and a strong Scottish ancestry, an independent Scotland would be great. Thanks for the nice ytmnd
Flawless Victory!
On on the site ?Gman is a Racist!
5'd for music alone! You win!
On on the site ?YTMND Summer Break
lol, 4 for Stephanie in bikini...I'd 5 to that, but that would make me a pervert
In conclusion, people are f*cking tools...and that movie was terrible
On on the site ?The Truth About Eon8
Truly great work, but I'm going to stick with eon8 being a scientology thing that will shut down ytmnd, and other sites...or free porn?
omfg! illegal celebrity sex for the win!
4 for iron maiden
5'd for Bauman bashing and fight club music
He didn't find that bike, he's black, he looted it!
5'd for dancing peppers!
There was some talk of website raids, thats all well and good, but I say we make some fertilizer bombs and go Oklahoma city on that hotel.