Reservoirdogs12's recent comments:

The site and the user have a bright future here in my opinion.
Minimalist, but underrated.
Some dude at work told me when he was little he wrapped his lips around and spit into an electrical socket.
Don't worry, the preview pic is not my ass. It is merely my elbow.
On on the site ?Test site
I watched a snail...crawling along the edge of a straight razor...that is my dream. that is my nightmare. A snail...crawling...and surviving. Our government drops atom bombs but do not let our forces write "fuck" on the side of an airplane?!?
They could have found someone more photogenic for advertising too.
More baronlasers!
Well at least his movie was good for a couple "video days" in health class back in highschool. But honestly all it did for me was make me want to eat mcdonalds for a month.
I take great pride in my mane of pubic hair.
Yeah lets mix therapy and FBI. That's definitely going to go well.

Not everyone cowers in fear of the federal government.
Short bus jerkoffs. Come get a taste.
Way to fester! Make appearances still! Do nothing! A faux illusion of control! Piss away tax dollars!
Sometimes I like to wear women's panties and walk around 5th street.
They make this sound like "woo, woo, woo!" Coyote bitch gets in heat. First thing she does, she take care of the males. Then she heads toward town. All the neighborhood dogs, they smell her. They go crazy. They follow her. She lures them out on to the desert. Coyote get dog out there... alone. All the other coyote come along, they circle 'round... they kill that dog, eat it. Tommy, if you go in front of that grand jury, what will you say?
To some people I'm just the devil in blue suade shoes; Don't you believe it.
I had sex in the woods a few weeks ago, but this site here is also notable.
April 28th, 2024
On on the site ?GAY KEN
Poor ken. He wanted to be a GI JOE so bad
April 28th, 2024
I'm a huge slut but I still object to ethical non monogamy
April 16th, 2024
I've got some bad ideas in my head.
April 10th, 2024
On on the site ?Time For a Talk
I wanna stab you to death and play around with your blood.
Its very hard to take that seriously. You people are retards.
Just flush her down the fucking toilet already. I think we're even.
March 31st, 2024
They. Can. Not. Touch. Her.
March 27th, 2024
On on the site ?LEEKSPIN
I don't believe one's life should be about morbid self attention.