DooMNukeM's recent comments:

January 13th, 2007
On on the news post Misirlou.
Zomg 1st!!!
September 7th, 2006
No TNG equals -2
April 11th, 2006
April 8th, 2006
On on the site ?Epic Geordi Manuever
"what's that thin plastic door supposed to do if the warp core explodes?" They had coolant leak. Its to keep flesh from burning.
April 6th, 2006
His boner is showing!!! LOLOLOLOL!>!!?3
November 12th, 2005
Back in the day I would have put one on one of my friends NES when he wasnt looking.
September 8th, 2005
On on the site ?The Emo Song
This must have set some kind of record by now. Ive never seen anything stay in the top 15 this long.
September 5th, 2005
You made me crap my pants.
September 4th, 2005
Gee I wonder who that is?
August 28th, 2005
Yay for fads
August 27th, 2005
Give me that music
August 23rd, 2005
5/5 for ie!
August 23rd, 2005
On on the site ?The Emo Song
August 22nd, 2005
Poor keyboard
August 19th, 2005
I love the smell of burning butt.
August 19th, 2005
My cloudsong!!!!!!!!!
August 19th, 2005
On on the site ?Serious about Walmart
How is this not work safe?
August 19th, 2005
Why are people so afraid of fads? Fads own.
August 19th, 2005
On on the site ?What is Tiger?!
August 19th, 2005
August 19th, 2005
On on the site ?uber new hax
We gettin pwnt!
August 18th, 2005
I love nerds on games like wow. They get so pissed about little things.
August 14th, 2005
On on the site ?
July 21st, 2005
On on the site ?Run Mario, Run!
Stairs are tha shizzle
July 20th, 2005
Loved it,but had to play twice to read the fast text.
July 20th, 2005
heter or not its real its funny.
July 20th, 2005
YaY for seinfield
July 17th, 2005
That song makes me cry always
July 17th, 2005
I like that one the best