Bob2038's recent comments:

December 31st, 2007
Arrgghhh, SHUT UP!
February 13th, 2007
On on the site ?Vader and Luke Bond
not bad at all... weird he breathes at the same time he talks though. would have been better if you added in the breathing between sentances instead of overlapping it.
January 24th, 2007
"WOW! YOU STOLE A JOKE FROM FAMILY GUY!! THAT'S AWESOME!!! LOL!!!!" Yeah, like nearly 2 years ago buddy. YTMND has changed a bit.
October 13th, 2006
On on the site ?Trek on the Town
October 11th, 2006
I can leave this playing for 20 min straight and still laugh.
October 10th, 2006
I've never seen that movie...... hey I just got a prank call from someone who just said "seven days" its like they knew what YTMND I was watching! NEATO TRICK!
September 21st, 2006
Instant FAV
August 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Our galaxy is doomed
lol Galaxy
August 24th, 2006
Great up until the ending... +
August 23rd, 2006
I laughed harder then I have laughed at a YTMND in awhile! good work.
August 7th, 2006
It's funny and all... but you should have cut out that sound at the end. Plus it sounds like you are running ICQ!? I didn't know people still used that! XD
August 1st, 2006
On on the site ?9 Drawings
Drugs are bad mmmkay?
July 30th, 2006
"-1 for lack of citations." This is an old YTMND.. was made before citations were hip and cool... but if it makes you feel better.
July 29th, 2006
On on the site ?Walken's Oscar Speech
Seriously... this is like one of my all time fav YTMNDs. It should have tons more views and votes.
July 28th, 2006
On on the site ?Quiet Day on Endor
I will totally 5 this.
July 28th, 2006
On on the site ?
I've only got half an hour....half an hour, half an hour, half an hour
July 28th, 2006
On on the site ?Brian Peppers' Fad
Heh, maybe should have made hima midget by leaving more white space at the top? Still, job good.
July 28th, 2006
Really there are only two options... #1. It's her brother in which case that is creepy. And #2 it's her brother in which case it's creepy. I suppose there is a 3rd option but you guys aren't ready for that yet.
July 26th, 2006
On on the site ?Porn epicly Pwns All
Pretty obvious it would win by that much. Anyone familar with or interested in YTMND, Ebaums or NG would not be typing it into a search engine... they would simply visit the site(s). Porn on the otherhand is ever changing locations.
July 26th, 2006
NEDM *GETS* you the 5!
July 25th, 2006
On on the site ?Snakes on Everything
No Starwars?
July 4th, 2006
On on the site ?Walken's Oscar Speech
I almost clicked 'back' Then I noticed his eyes move. SO I waited. Sean Connery's "YES!" MADE this YTMND.
July 2nd, 2006
So simple... yet so great.
June 25th, 2006
June 25th, 2006
LMAO! could not stop laughing!
June 25th, 2006
TRON! 5!
June 23rd, 2006
The hideousness of that foot.. will haunt my dreams forever.
June 23rd, 2006
On on the site ?i have no legs
Horrible movie... funny scene... but good god man that sound quality is awful. Fix that and I'll up my vote.
June 23rd, 2006
nice additions.
June 23rd, 2006
Much improved vocals. 5