PixilatedTrickster's recent comments:

Opening doors to certain auditory assault... yep that's about the summer of 08 for me in a nutshell
Something went fucky with my ability to view ytmnsfw sites. Leaving this so i can 5 later
Expected the Khan yell but i honestly forgot the asian neighbor was also named Khan.
This whole time he was compensating for something
On on the site ?Giant Eminem Crab
Every blatantly bad element, the zooming eminem head, the make a gif watermark, the horrible puns sync up to make thia perfect
On on the site ?40/64: Duke Nukembat
This site sounds like it took (Duke Nukem) Forever to remix. Also this beats Duff McWhalers because (balls of) Steel beats ice (hockey)
You mean genetically superior tyrants are going to see my ugly starship on some kind of Ceti TV?
Yes a sort of SchrodinGAY's cat scenario
Maybe he is both gay and homophobic using the latter to mask the former cf. all the politicians who pushed against gay marriage and later got caught in scandals
I'll give you the last star if you remix it with The Royal Guardsmen's Snoopy vs the Red Baron
Can't stop drinking the Rolling Rock on the Roll n Rocker (funny AVGNES peripherals jokes)
He's gonna take you back to the center of a dead planet
On on the site ?SUGAR SMACK
Nintendo's insistence on backing the fad-tastic CD-I instead of aligning with Sony led to in the end Sony always wins
I'm sorry the correct response was what is AAAAAAAA with 8 A's
On on the site ?Umfuld Returns
Scott i thought farkle's official gabbly name was Bill
I honestly wish barf were still around to make the obvipusly terrible ones actually funny like that NEDM Haruhi site he made.
On on the site ?Medieval Bananaphone
Proof positive that combinatorial explosion is the strongest force in all the YTMND universes, it outstrips even DarthWang's prolificness
That is the single biggest oof i've heard in this era of ytmnd
On on the site ?Brian Staplers™
Chrono Stapler sounds better than Stapler Trigger but who am i to argue nitpicky citation jokes in 2024?
Then 5 YTMND as a whole... wait...
On on the site ?This isn't peanutbutter
Darthwangtmnd: This isn't PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH
+ for ABS. Haven't heard that site name in over a decade [/aging millennial]
This ashually will have been tooken(?) place in future Japan
On on the site ?Hootie Nukem
This ytmnd certainly kicks bellies
I'm the only person who voted on your last site, so here's a throwaway vote
El Oh El this wins the Why Tee Em En Dee
Albuquerque was the weird al song that deserved to be fadded more than hardware store tbh.
Gah youtube's beating us to the punch on even the most obscure ytmnd fads now