Im blue im in need of a guy.
Created on: September 13th, 2006
Im blue im in need of a guy.
I suppose if ur sad go gay! haha
None ( ._.)

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September 13th, 2006
LOL you win!
September 13th, 2006
My names rubove, and I approve of this site.
September 13th, 2006
lol you lose seen before....
September 13th, 2006
lol I liked it, but you should try to fix the loop up a bit.
September 13th, 2006
ahahahah dude i used to tell everyone thats what the song used to say when i was like 12 and theyd say im lame, you win my heart, and made everyone i know feel stupid 8 yrs ago.
September 13th, 2006
HAHAHAHA, I will forever use this joke when the song is played, thank you :D
September 13th, 2006
I used to sing it that way, ha ha. By the way, blue wouldn't mean he's sad, it would be like blue in the balls.
September 13th, 2006
then youre an idiot
May 11th, 2007